Picture of Dr. Linda Algazi, Ph.D


Mostly Bad Advice for Single Men – Everyone seems to have advice for men about how to treat women. Especially when they are single and motivated, men tend to listen to anybody, from any source.

Some of the advice has merit for sure, but some of it makes me cringe.

Following are some mostly silly excerpts from things I have recently read:

1. “Be strong. Tell her you are going to take her out. Never ask.”
(Some women – those women with a life- would find this rude.)

2. “Don’t act like you care too much. In fact, ‘blasé’ is attractive and women interpret indifference as strength. Act like you think that if she says “No,” that it is totally cool, because there are a million other girls waiting in line. (I hope for your sake that this is true.)

3. “Don’t make too many plans. When you get specific, you take the mystery out of what’s going to happen.” Women love mystery.”
(Women love mystery. But what they love more is thinking about an exciting / creative adventure you’ve planned together.. If she doesn’t know you well-enough, and you’re too vague, you’re likely to scare her away.)

4. ”Don’t ask her what she wants to do. She’ll think you are a bore who can’t make decisions.”
(Decisiveness is a virtue that most women seek in a partner. But courteous woman like courteous men who take their preferences into consideration.)

5. “Don’t ask her for a kiss. Just kiss her.”
(Good advice if you’ve got your signals straight. If you read it loud and clear, kiss her but only if she wants to be kissed. By you.)

6. “Leave her guessing. Make her wait after a date to see if you’ll call. (Wrong, wrong, wrong. Whoever wrote this needs to go back to school. If you genuinely like this girl, be respectful and Casanova-like enough to talk about when your next contact will be. Knowing exactly when you’ll call or see her again, is romantic.)

7. “Keep your mouth shut when she talks about her other guy friends.”
(No need to keep your mouth shut. See it as an opportunity to learn more about her by learning about the company she keeps. Say nothing negative, though.)

8. “Don’t talk about sex too early, if she doesn’t act like the kind of girl who is casual about such things.”
(Somebody got that one right. It all comes down to what kind of relationship you are looking for.)

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