The longer a couple is together, their number of shared smiles and laughs is likely to diminish.  

This is not fake news.










It is, however,  a perfect set-up for what can become an UN-LOVEstory.

Best to remember how a little gentle humor can help ease tense situations, set the stage to resolve disagreements and help you to restore warm, loving bonds.


Laughter is a clear buffer against the inevitable disappointments and problems that have a way of creeping up and accumulating over time… even in the best of relationship

The Coca Cola Company gets it.   






Yup. Coke’s advertising team has provided us with a wonderful magical moment by hiring an actor to randomly start laughing on a train.

On a subway train, cramped full with tired, grumpy people this guy starts laughing. Guess what happens next…


I’d bet laughter and joy aren’t the first words that spring to your mind either, when you think of riding the subway







With the tagline–”Happiness starts with a smile”– Coke’s new ad aims to bring a bit of joy to everyone’s day.


 Just watch this short You Tube clip and I dare you not to join in! I dare you not to at least…  smile.


If one can find happiness in a subway train, imagine what a few laughs will do for your more intimate encounters!












Thanks For Visiting,

Email Dr. Linda

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