If you are single, chances are you made your last so-called “connection,” “on line”.
Two out of every five single people aged 24 – 50 currently use, or have used an online dating service. Yes, you read that correctly – it’s 40%!
Those older than 50 are not immune to itching for a love-connection either. If they are willing to own up to their age, they search within their very own “silver -single sites”.
One COVID INTERNET DATING CHALLENGE is to keep an internet conversation interesting, with no contact in real life. Not easy.
According to the experts, “BREAD-CRUMBING” is the act of sending flirtatious, but non-committal social signals (i.e. “breadcrumbs”) on-line, in order to lure a romantic partner in . In other words, it’s leading someone on.
Why would anyone bother if there is never any intention to go further?
A pre-pandemic answer might have been that your “pursuer” …
1 … was not really available. (as in “married” or something like it).
2…. decided what he/she needed was a safe “ego-boost” and doesn’t think much about how that may be at your expense.
3. … is an absolute narcissist who makes a game out of manipulating others.
The pandemic has created a t least one new and more forgivable possibility.
While it is never nice to manipulate others for your own gratification, relying on social media for communication does call for a new kind of creativity… even if you are seriously interested in finding a mate.
It can be tempting for an otherwise nice person, to fall into this “BREAD-CRUMBING”trap. Most people do not have experience with being entertaining on line for inordinate amounts of time.
Regardless of their motive, you’ll recognize a “BREAD-CRUMBER” by his/her inconsistency, her unpredictability and/or his/her unwillingness to respond to a message as promised.
Pandemic or not, you deserve someone who is willing to give you the same amount of attention you are willing to invest in yourself.
TAKE ACTION: Call him out and then return to the things you love to do. Boost your own self-esteem. You job is to set the example about how others should treat you… to yourself and to the others.
Your “BREAD-CRUMBER”, if he/she is even worth thinking about, might take a lesson or two from your reaction.
He may even be motivated to apologize and try again.
Stuck at home, alone and lonely can get really old. A year of isolation can also drive some otherwise normal people to do outrageous things. Cyber-stalking qualifies as “LOVE BOMBING.”
“LOVE BOMBING” IS THE OPPOSITE OF “BREAD-CRUMBING.” The term is not new. There are reports that it was first coined by a religious cult in the 70’s. Leaders jumped on followers with extraordinary adoration and attention, for their own personal gain.
Today, talking about “LOVE-BOMBING” has come back in boundary-crushing style during our pandemic.
“LOVE-BOMBERS” come on strong. At first, their attention may feel flattering and more than welcome especially during enforced isolation.
Then, you may feel uncomfortable with the way your “LOVE-BOMBER” seems to be invading your life. They want to isolate you away from all others.
Trust your intuition. The object of “LOVE-BOMBING” and obsessive attention has less to do with true affection than with unhealthy control. Pandemic or not, no one needs a stalker in their life.
Whenever you could benefit from an emotional pick-me-up or a back-board, I’m available for intimate zoom ops, home and/or office visits.
Stay safe and be resilient.
Dr. Linda
(949)244 4074
Email Dr. Linda
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