Who could blame me for my fantasy?
Looking down at the front door of NEIMAN MARCUS, seventeen floors below, framed by the Pacific Ocean and Newport’s skyline, I’m thinking “ZIP-LINING.”
In my head, I see an invisible, straight line, directly between my hotel room on the 17th floor of the ISLAND HOTEL in Newport Beach, California and Neimans.
It wasn’t my fault that my house had a leak and we had to move out… never mind for how long.
“What a shame,” said friends.
Turns out, it’s not so bad, even beyond my shopping fantasy… and I’ve even learned a thing or two.
If you do everything you can to make others laugh or smile, you’ve helped make this world a better place. Living here is not exactly “assisted living,” but there are some great mood-boosting perks:
- The gardener, trimming the bushes by the entrance, smiled and wished me a nice day, this morning.
- A painter, on a ladder, tipped his hat.
- The parking guys magically call me by name.
- The women running concierge services treat us like royalty in their extraordinary effort to make our “visit” special.
- The laundry is returned each evening with little ribbons on the socks… not hard to smile at that.
- The coffee machine makes delicious lattes… every time.
- Kool aid or not, the wait staff in the restaurant and in the bar all seem to love their jobs.
- The front desk people welcome me as if I were an old friend… each time I walk by.
I am reminded how easy it is to make someone’s day.
Our personal predicament forced a sort-of “staycation.” Never mind that I still go to work.
Funny, that when you get to come “home” to a new place which provides luxurious, over the top hospitality, 24 hour tech support, no need to ever go to a market… all in walking distance from great shopping opps, it does shake things up a bit.
I’m thinking about other reasons someone might want to stay in a hotel so close to home… by choice.
You just have to remember back to a time when traveling by air inspired fantasy and awe.
No need to fight traffic or long lines… just more time to luxuriate in what could be a romantic get-away.
Or maybe you just need a break… alone. How about giving your husband a bonding op with your kids and checking into the hotel for some spa time, along with a trashy novel or some magazines.
Room service and elevators sound pretty nice too, when you are recovering from a minor surgery and don’t want to deal with the inevitable chores at home.
Being a make-believe tourist can be fun. New digs motivate new opportunities for adventure.
Email Dr. Linda
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