Picture of Dr. Linda Algazi, Ph.D


Is the The Gore’s marriage a failure? Really, now?

Forty years together, raising a beautiful family, building a successful career, becoming Vice President and Second Lady of the United States, and making a significant mark on the world… that doesn’t sound like much a failure to me.

You try being married for forty years while doing at least some of those things and then we’ll talk. I’ll listen even if you haven’t done it in the public eye. I’ll hear you out even if you’ve only been married for twenty years. That kind of longevity also qualifies you as some sort of an expert too.

I know, I know. Tipper and Al “represented” (note the past tense) the Cinderella-like dream of the possibility of the happily-ever-after fantasy. We watched them kiss. You hate them for falling off their thrones. If they can’t do it, how can you?

Sometimes people who live together do stretch in different directions. If we stretch too far, the vulnerable elastic that binds can break. For some, that’s even okay and an act of optimism

Try This – What can you do to insulate your marital bond (assuming that’s what you choose)?

• Keep things interesting.
• Identify new mutual goals.
• Support those goals with energy and a plan.
• Review the plan and your progress on a regular basis.
• Laugh together.
• Make time for your marriage, no matter what.
• Make love.
• Support the discretionary interests of your spouse.
• Balance your lives with enough together time.

The decision to divorce comes after couples have failed at these tasks.

I wish Tipper and Al success and happiness in their lives. They deserve all the good things that life has to offer. ( I hope they read this.)

I recognize how difficult their decision to separate must have been for them. Not as difficult, as staying together might be. Or so it seems.

Email Dr. Linda

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