Picture of Linda Algazi taken June 1, 2008When I wrote last week that “blogging” for me was like botox for the mind, my funny friend Nancy asked, “Does that mean that blogging makes your mind go all numb and expressionless?”

No, Nancy. Actually it’s the opposite. Doing something new takes away wrinkles of the mind.

Nancy also said the definition of “blog” is “Blatant Lifting of Good Lines.”

I’m stealing hers… maybe she’ll sue me!

In “People Magazine” last week, Bill Clinton was asked about how he could have handled things better, relative to his wife’s campaign. He said that he regretted “saying stuff late at night” when he was tired, explaining that “if you are tired or angry, you shouldn’t be talking.”

Amen, Bill, I say. (Another stealable line)

His words apply off the campaign trail, to personal relationships as well.

careful about talking while drinkingHave you also ever regretted saying something to someone, late at night, when you were tired or drunk? Or when you were tired or drunk and it wasn’t late at night?

Dr. Linda’s advice: Don’t.

If you have been drinking and /or your fatigue is likely to loosen up your tongue, hold your thoughts. Or write them down in a private place.

Then make a date with your loved one to discuss your concerns with a clear mind.

Bill’s suggestion for “personal Miranda warnings” is a good idea.

Email Dr. Linda

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